Instilling the Love of Learning with Love and Logic
This past week we received an email from a teacher who had this quote in her signature line: “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of...

Is "I'm Sorry" Enough?
Often parents ask me, "When my child misbehaves or causes a problem for someone, he's quick to say, 'I'm sorry.' Is that enough, or should he have a consequence?" Common...

How to Clean Up A Dirty Mouth
Josh came home from school excited about his new playground term. I won’t say what it was. Let’s just say that “it would make a sailor blush.” He launched the...

A Three-Pronged Approach to Bullying for Schools
As kids are returning to the school environment this year, they might again be exposed to bullying that often takes place in schools. The good news about bullying is that...