Our Blog

Helpful articles that will help you learn and implement the Love and Logic approach in your home or classroom.

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Getting Your Child to Listen

Getting Your Child to Listen

You can train your child to hear what you say the first time that you say something. You can also train them to ignore you. Children who listen to their...

Modeling Healthy Relationships

Modeling Healthy Relationships

It seems that many parents are concerned that their children aren’t motivated to love and respect them back, and they wonder why they have dysfunctional relationships with their kids. No...

Instead of Praising, Notice and Describe

Instead of Praising, Notice and Describe

Kids will soon return to their classrooms and parents will start supporting their academic endeavors as the school year unfolds. To help their kids develop a positive self-image, parents often...

Five Simple Steps to Help Kids Solve Their Own Problems

Five Simple Steps to Help Kids Solve Their Own Problems

Too many kids grow up being unable to confront life’s problems and they end up making poor decisions. As parents and teachers, we want our kids to grow into adults...

Teens and Distracted Driving

Teens and Distracted Driving

Distracted driving comes in many forms, ranging from changing a radio station, to having a conversation with someone in the vehicle, to texting or talking on a mobile device. The...