Are You a Helicopter, Drill Sergeant, or Consultant Parent?
Jim Fay, my father, and his friend, Foster Cline, described three parenting styles in their book Parenting with Love and Logic, which was published in 1990. They coined the terms...

Helping Aggressive Toddlers: The Aggressive Toddler Cycle and When to Seek Professional Help
Some parents are experiencing more aggressive behavior from their toddlers recently and have called us for help. What they describe is a distressing cycle of behavior that they can’t seem...

Will Love and Logic Work with Autistic Children?
I’m often asked if Love and Logic can be used with children who have special needs, such as kids with autism. For years, we’ve been hearing success stories from parents...

Parenting in the Technology Age: What to Do When Mistakes are Made
In last week’s blog, we looked at setting limits for technology use and how to detect signs that our kids might be getting hooked on technology. This week we look at...

Parenting in the Technology Age: Setting Limits
Do you ever feel like your child's cell phone, game console, or computer has taken over your home? These devices can be wonderful tools for communication, learning, and healthy enjoyment,...