Concepts to be presented
- The Two Rules of Love and Logic
- Delayed or "Anticipatory" Consequences
- Using Empathy and Love and Logic One-Liners to Neutralize Arguing
- How to get more information about Love and Logic
Suggested Handouts
- The Two Rules of Love and Logic
- The Delayed or "Anticipatory" Consequence
- Two Ways to Neutralize Childhood Arguing
- How to Create a Love and Logic Classroom
Presentation Outline
1. Open the presentation by asking the following questions:
- Do you ever wish you could spend less instructional time on discipline problems? Love and Logic has some solutions for you.
- How easy is it to think up logical consequences when you are trying to manage thirty-some kids and deliver your lesson? You'll have some help on this by the end of this session.
- Do you want a complex plan or a simple, practical one?
2. Refer group to handout, The Two Rules of Love and Logic.
- Refer to the handout, The Two Rules of Love and Logic, and discuss the main points.
- Using the following steps, ask your group to discuss how the principal applied both rules of Love and Logic.
- Say to the group, "Turn to the person next to you and discuss how this principal applied the Two Rules of Love and Logic. Take about five minutes to do this, and then I'll ask you what you've come up with."
- After approximately five minutes, ask, "Who would like to tell me how this principal followed rule #1?" Discuss these ideas with the group.
- Finally ask, "How about rule #2? Who has some ideas about how the principal followed this rule?" Discuss these ideas with the group.
3. Introduce the concept of Delayed or "Anticipatory" Consequences.
- Refer to the handout, The Delayed or "Anticipatory" Consequence and discuss main points.
- Tell one of your own stories about its use.
4. Introduce the concept of "One-Liners."
- Ask the group, "Do kids ever try to avoid consequences by arguing and manipulating? Do you ever find yourself spending too much time on this? Love and Logic teachers neutralize arguing with the Brain Dead technique."
- Refer group to handout, Two Ways to Neutralize Childhood Arguing, and discuss main points.
- Emphasize the importance of avoiding anger and sarcasm while using this technique.
- Have the group pair off and practice. One person argues while the other goes brain dead and uses just one or two one-liners. Use the following steps for this activity.
- Say, "Let’s get some practice so you can pull this off as soon as you get back to your classroom or school. Turn to your partner and take turns with one of you arguing and the other using just one or two of the Love and Logic one-liners."
- Say, "Remember to go Brain Dead when your partner tries to argue with you. Just keep repeating the Love and Logic one-liners you’ve chosen."
- Give your group at least five minutes to practice this skill.
5. Discuss how participants can learn more about Love and Logic.
- Provide each participant with your business card or a flyer for one of your Love and Logic classes.
- Refer participants to our toll-free number (800-338-4065), as well as our website
- Make participants aware that Charles can be hired to present to parents and educators. To schedule Dr. Charles Fay, contact Monica at 800.338.4065 or