9 Essential Skills for the Love and Logic Classroom - 3rd Edition

9 Essential Skills for the Love and Logic Classroom - 3rd Edition

SKU: 07-94-212

Regular price $930.00 USD
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Trusted Expertise

Over 48 years of proven parenting and teaching strategies.

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Flexible Learning

Accessible via audios, eBooks, and online courses.

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Positive Approach

Builds loving relationships with firm yet caring guidance.

What will you Learn

Avoid exhausting and disruptive power struggles

Meet the social and emotional needs that affect behavior, learning, and motivation

Promote student decision-making and problem-solving skills

Build positive relationships with challenging students

Raise test scores

Prevent problems and save teaching time

3rd Edition – Updated & Revised – Completely Digital
Low Stress Strategies for Highly Successful Educators

Our teacher-training curriculum was developed with step-by-step instructions for presenting this curriculum in nine easy-to-follow modules.

How are schools most successful with the curriculum? They teach it every school year to:

  • Introduce new staff to the Love and Logic techniques
  • Provide a refresher for returning staff
  • Get staff excited about kids acting up because they know they can handle them without breaking a sweat!

This curriculum will build strong schools where teachers have time to teach and students want to learn. This is an excellent in-service tool for every educator!

Visit this page for Curriculum Research Information.

Download the curriculum syllabus.

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Key Benefits

Equip educators with tools to manage behavior, build relationships, and foster learning.

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Why It Matters

Create a respectful, engaging classroom where both teachers and students can thrive.

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About the Authors

Authored by Charles Fay, Ph. D. and Jim Fay, Parenting experts, educators, authors, speakers, discipline specialists, Love and Logic founders.

There are 5 modules in this course

Module 1: Program Introduction and Neutralizing Arguing
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Participants will learn:

▪ Introduction to Love and Logic for the Classroom by Charles and Jim Fay
▪ How to deal with students who constantly talk back.
▪ How to neutralize arguing and why doing so is essential
▪ That arguing is one way that challenging students exert unhealthy control over
classrooms and schools
▪ Why reasoning with arguing students is ineffective
▪ A practical skill for disengaging from arguments by repeating one simple
▪ How to apply this skill with empathy instead of anger or sarcasm
▪ The difference between affordable and unaffordable mistakes by students

Module 2: Using Delayed Consequences and Buying Yourself Time
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Participants will learn:

▪ How to avoid arguing with students and remain calm
▪ Why consequences do not always need to be immediate
▪ How to delay consequences in a way that yields the benefits of delayed
consequences and immediate consequences at the same time
▪ The importance being strong and firm as well as kind and caring
▪ An effective classroom discipline plan
▪ Problems with repeated warnings

Module 3: Using Sincere Empathy
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Participants will learn:

▪ How the human brain responds to threat by narrowing thinking and shifting
into “fight or flight”
▪ That empathy is a powerful tool for helping students remain in “thinking
▪ Practical tips for making empathy more natural even when anger feels more
▪ Examples of empathetic statements to help develop personal empathetic
▪ The difference between empathy and sympathy

Module 4: Short-Term Recovery
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Participants will learn:

▪ What to do when a student is so disruptive that you can’t teach.
▪ How to use the “recovery area” approach to preserve the learning environment
when one or more students become chronically disruptive
▪ The fundamentals of short-term recovery
▪ What to do if a student refuses to go to Recovery when asked
▪ Importance of following legal requirements as well as helping parents
understand the Short-Term Recovery process

Module 5: Positive Teacher-Student Relationships
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Participants will learn:

▪ That challenging students cannot be coerced or bribed into behaving
or learning
▪ That positive teacher-student relationships are the key to success with such
▪ The “One-Sentence Intervention” technique for building successful
relationships with the most challenging students
▪ How to handle group misbehavior
▪ The importance of greeting students each day with friendly eye
contact, a smile, and a handshake

Module 6: Setting Limits with Enforceable Statements
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Participants will learn:

▪ How to create and set limits in ways that don’t start unnecessary and
unmanageable battles.
▪ Why it’s important for educators to set fair and consistent limits with students
▪ How to set such limits in ways that decrease resistance and power struggles
▪ How to set limits that are easily enforceable
▪ Specific examples of enforceable limits and enforceable statements
▪ How to enforce limits through actions and questions

Module 7: Using Choices to Prevent Power Struggles
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Participants will learn:

▪ How to share the control that you don’t need to gain the control you do
▪ Guidelines for sharing control through choices within limits
▪ Specific examples of appropriate versus inappropriate choices
▪ Avoiding power struggles with “The Four Steps to Responsibility”
▪ The strategic use of choices

Module 8: Quick and Easy Preventative Interventions
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Participants will learn:

▪ How to minimize disruptions while managing the classroom
▪ The effectiveness of Quick and Easy Interventions
▪ How to use Quick and Easy Interventions
▪ When to use interventions versus when to use consequences
▪ Preventing misbehavior in unstructured settings

Module 9: Guiding Students to Own and Solve Their Problems
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Participants will learn:

▪ Five steps for helping students learn to own and solve their problems
▪ Why it’s important that educators avoid rescuing students by solving their
problems for them
▪ How to avoid resistance while helping students learn to problem-solve
▪ Guidelines for determining when to allow students to solve problems versus
when to step in
▪ Common problems and how to address them
▪ Final thoughts

Kit Overview

1. Trainer Dashboard and Guidebook Access the Trainer Dashboard with a Guidebook for facilitating nine sessions.
2. Instructional Video Modules Nine modules, nearly six hours of video instruction by Charles Fay, Ph.D.
3. Participant Workbooks Includes ten digital, non-printable workbooks. Additional workbooks are $10 each (10% discount for 50+).
4. Exclusive Facilitator Content Access media/marketing kits, certificates, bonus videos, and other helpful resources.

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How many digital workbooks are included?

Ten digital workbooks are included with the initial purchase.