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Welcome Love and Logic Trainer Family Member

From Jim and Charles to you...

Thank you for helping us spread Love and Logic around the world, making it a better place! We greatly appreciate all you do! Here's just one example that shows how you are making a difference in the world.

Need to update your contact info?

Please email us your contact information that you would like to display on the Trainer Search page. We encourage all our Trainers to keep their information up to date so the most accurate information is available.

Please note: The training program is designed to be taught in a face-to-face setting while teaching classes to others. No internet-based teaching of the program is allowed.

frequently asked questions

How to Facilitate Love and Logic Training Classes


Jim Fay has compiled a list of frequently asked questions from trainers. To download a copy of these questions along with Jim Fay's answers, visit this page.

Slide Shows

  • Use these free slide show presentations while your class is arriving, during breaks, and anytime you want to spark interest. These are copyrighted so please do not reproduce, distribute, modify or use for any other purposes.
  • Parent audiences - Download and Save the slideshow: Wise Words from Love and Logic.
  • Educator audiences - Download and Save the slideshow: Love and Logicisims.

The Media Kit

For each curricula, we have promotional materials you can use to advertise your classes. We have color and black and white versions of a registration flyer, a four page brochure, and a promotional letter. Click here to access them. In addition, Dr. Charles Fay has compiled some marketing ideas for you. Click here to read the letter. And click here for more ideas Love and Logic wanted to share about marketing your classes.

Policies and Guidelines

If you have any questions about copyright and how to use our name and logo, you will find it here! Download our policies and guidelines for advertising and promoting your classes.

Love and Logic "teaser" Presentations

The following information will help you to plan a quick presentation to help spark interest in your classes:
Planning a Love and Logic Presentation
Love and Logic Sample Presentation Plan for Educator Audiences
Love and Logic Sample Presentation Plan for Parent Audiences

Curricula Bonus Videos for Parenting the Love and Logic Way and Crianza con Amor y Logica

Visit this page to watch the videos.

Love and Logic Curriculum Research

Curricula Research (pdf file)
Email us to request access to additional research materials.

Love and Logic Trainer Recommended Products