One of the hallmarks of the holidays is giving and receiving gifts. The excitement and anticipation of the season often causes kids to focus mostly on receiving.

I like receiving gifts. It’s great. I know very few people who don’t enjoy receiving. The weird thing, however, is that the rush of getting stuff tends to wear off quickly. Perhaps you’ve noticed this with your kids. Maybe you’ve even noticed this about yourself.

The Joy of Giving and Receiving

Being on the other end, on the giving end, also feels good. Generosity warms the giver’s heart and builds “heart muscle.” We all want kids with strong hearts who are generous and who think of others. Parents can build a giving attitude in their kids with a steady exercise regime of giving gifts from the heart.

Strengthening the Heart Through Giving

Pumping weights, jogging, bicycling, swimming and other forms of exercise are not much fun when done for the first time. They make us dizzy, cause sweat to drain from our pores, and result in soreness and muscle aches the next day. Only when our muscles begin to strengthen do these activities become relatively easy and we start to enjoy them. Once in the habit, they become enjoyable.

The same goes for being a giver. Many kids need a large amount of gentle, yet firm, prodding to begin the process of cardiac strengthening. They also need someone to show them how it’s done.

Encouraging Kids to Be Givers

This time of year provides us with a great opportunity to place an exclamation point on the importance of continued generosity. The holidays can show kids what it feels like when they receive gifts. We can also strongly, yet gently, encourage them to be on the giving end:

Practical Ways to Foster Generosity

  • Encourage them to donate some of their older toys to charity.
  • Suggest that they buy something brand new for a less fortunate child.
  • Expect them to give their grandparents, other relatives, or neighbors the gift of a shoveled sidewalk, a dusted home, a spic and span garage, etc. Doing for others is extremely heart healthy.
  • Volunteer as a family to feed the hungry.
  • Show them how to do all these things with a joyful attitude.

All in all, the best thing we can give our kids is a giver attitude. While it takes plenty of reps, it will eventually build them into people with strong and loving hearts. We hope that you and your family enjoy a happy holiday season, one filled with giving from the heart!


Thanks for reading!

Dr. Charles Fay