Jim Fay
The Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
- Founder, School Consultant Services.
- Over 30 years of experience in education, including: Teacher, Principal and Administrator
- Over 40 years of experience as a speaker, consultant.

One of America's most sought-after presenters
Jim Fay has become one of America's most sought-after presenters in the fields of parenting, positive discipline, and classroom management. With Foster W. Cline, M.D., he is the co-founder of The Love and Logic Institute and co-author of the bestseller Parenting with Love and Logic.
He's become a pied piper for parents, providing practical teaching and parenting techniques and encouraging adults to be consistent and effective in their efforts with kids.
Jim Fay has over 30 years of experience in education, serving in public, private, and parochial schools in a variety of roles, including elementary education, art and music teacher, school principal, and administrator. He has been consulting and speaking about parenting and education for more than 40 years, founding School Consultant Services, the sister company to the Cline-Fay Institute, in 1977.
Through working in a variety of education settings, including inner-city and suburban schools, Jim saw the need to structure the classroom, the schools, and the home in a way that would build positive relationships with children. The structure would teach children responsibility and self-discipline, while still giving kids the message that adults cared about them.
"Some people are uncomfortable when I bring up love in education" he says. "'This shouldn't be a popularity contest,' they say. But I started out as a parent and a teacher with lots of lecturing, threats, rewards, and punishments - and they didn't work."
Jim Fay slowly developed the Love and Logic® philosophy, learning as he went and experimenting with different techniques until he found a consistent, practical way to work with children.
He is the parent of three children, one of whom is Dr. Charles Fay…a school psychologist and speaker/author of the Love and Logic Institute. Jim has served as a consultant to schools, parent and mental health organizations, and the U.S. military.
"The Love and Logic philosophy teaches character. Character is built out of a formula that involves three things: A child making a mistake, an adult feeling empathy and compassion for the child, and the child learning from the consequences of his or her actions."