Mastering Love and Logic test

Mastering Love and Logic test

Over the years, I have often heard people say things like, “I came to your seminar again because I need a shot in the arm,” or “I’ve been forgetting to use my Love and Logic techniques, I guess I’m just one of those people who need to hear things several times before it becomes habit.”

These parents seem to know a lot about learning theory. The brain learns through repetition. In fact, some research suggests that we need to hear something about seven or eight times before it locks in and starts to become part of us.

Who Knows This Best? Kids.

Have you noticed that young children want to hear the same story over and over? Little kids somehow naturally sense that this is the best way to learn. Isn’t it sad that when we grow up, we start putting ourselves down if we don’t master something the very first time?

Why We Created Love and Logic Audios

This is one of the reasons that we started making Love and Logic material available in an audio format years ago. We learned that the people who were best able to master Love and Logic techniques were the ones who listened to one of our audios many times. When they memorize the stories and techniques, they not only acquire the skill, but they also have the attitude and the best delivery.

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Four Examples from Our Collection of Love and Logic Audios

Four Steps to Responsibility: Techniques to Lead Children to Responsible Decision Making

This is one of our classic and most popular audios. It will teach you how to turn children’s mistakes and misbehavior into learning opportunities. This is the basis for helping kids develop good decision-making skills and solve their own problems.

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Nobody Wins a Power Struggle: Avoiding Battles that Ruin Relationships and Lead to Rebellion

Power struggles usually result in resentment and rebellion. This audio will give you three important principles that will help you avoid power struggles and reduce the stress and frustration that they create.

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Chores: Why Kids Need Them … and How to Get Even the Most Challenging Ones to Do Them

Chores are one of the foundational techniques of Love and Logic. Explore chores and how they can teach your kids responsibility, perseverance, humility, and the satisfaction that comes from serving others.

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Healthy Kids and Families in a Technology-Filled World: Heart-Level Solutions

The use of technology, especially social media and the Internet, is well-known to have profound effects on kids. Learn five principles for maintaining loving and respectful relationships with your kids while preventing unhealthy power struggles over the use of technology.

[shortcode id="678a5df4141824961229633d" name="Product | Healthy Kids and Families in a Technology-filled World" layout="Single Product"]
Mastering Love and Logic

Mastering Love and Logic is simple when you invest the time to listen to our audios and truly learn the techniques.

Thanks for reading!

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