Many of the calls that we receive are from teachers and school administrators.  Some are seeking answers and resources to help them with the increasing challenges of classroom management. Others share their successes using Love and Logic and tell us how it has transformed their classrooms.

In addition, many teachers call because they have used Love and Logic previously in their careers and they want to bring it to a new school where they are teaching. We greatly appreciate these teachers as well as all the teachers in our Love and Logic family.

One of our valuable Love and Logic resources is the audio, Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions. This collection of Love and Logic strategies has been used by thousands of Love and Logic teachers and has helped them redirect behavior and maintain control of their classrooms—allowing them to teach rather than focus on classroom management.

Here are examples of some of these strategies, which can help teachers establish positive relationships with their students by emphasizing the importance of using empathy and providing tools for handling particularly difficult situations.

Use the One-Sentence Intervention to establish a connection with the student:

“I noticed that ________.” Developing a positive relationship between the teacher and student is very powerful. This is one of the most powerful Love and Logic skills. Noticing a student’s interests and acknowledging them is one way to establish a positive connection. Remember, deliver this one-liner without any follow-up comment, such as, “That’s great.”

Use Recovery Time.

Removing a student for a “cool off” period gives the student an opportunity to become calm without disrupting the rest of the class.

Give natural consequences with empathy.

Genuine, sincere expressions of empathy must precede the consequence. Lectures about how much the child should learn from his/her experience cancel out the benefit of the consequence.

Model and teach problem solving.

  • Lead with empathy: “Tough problem, huh?”
  • Follow with a sincere question: “What do you plan to do?”
  • Gain permission to share: “Would you like to know what others have tried?”
  • Explore possible outcomes: “How do you think this might work for you?”
  • Allow to solve or not: “Good luck. Let me know how it works out.”
  • Or take ownership: “Feel free to ______ when ______.”

Move into involving other people, if necessary.

You can enlist the assistance of others, such as principals, counselors, parents, coaches, or therapists.

Using these and other Love and Logic strategies has enabled thousands of teachers to take control of their classroom. We are greatly appreciative of all teachers and the wonderful things they do for our kids.


Thanks for reading!

Dr. Charles Fay