Decrease the odds of tragedy by asking yourself the following questions:
Does my teen respectfully follow the rules of home and school?
If a teen is unable to follow simple rules about respect, chores, etc, they aren’t ready for the complex rules of the road.
Does my teen know how to cope with frustration in a calm way?
If a teen is prone to fits of anger, the chances of road rage are high.
Is my teen willing to limit the number of passengers in the car?
The more passengers, the greater the likelihood of tragedy.
Does my teen have a safe driving record so far?
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
Is my teen making a significant financial… or “sweat”… investment in the driving?
The more a teen invests in his or her car, its maintenance, and insurance, the safer they will drive.
If the answer to any of these questions is "No," it's time to share this tip with your teen and say:
You may drive again when I am sure that I can answer "Yes" to all of these questions.
One teacher stated: "Love and Logic really works well when I remember to use it." Living these skills requires constant repetition and practice. I even find myself slipping when I've taken too long a break from learning.


Thanks for reading!

Dr. Charles Fay